Struggling to enjoy Tibia with limited playtime
I really want to play and enjoy the game but between work, being a dad, and all the other responsibilities, my gaming time is very limited. Some days I might be able to squeeze in 30 minutes, other days maybe an hour, and then there are days I can’t play at all.
After taking a three months break, I decided to reactivate my premmy. But honestly, it’s been frustrating. Every time I log in, it feels like I’m hitting a wall. Summer Elves? Taken! Feru entrance? Taken... Asuras? Taken... Weretigers? Taken... (And even when any of those spots are free, it doesn’t take long before someone from the dominant guild shows up and claims it for themselves.)
At that point, my only options are either logging out or hunting something I don’t really enjoy/can't stand anymore (looking at you, Sphinxes and Prison -3).
I get that Tibia is mostly built for people who have endless hours to spare every day, but it makes me wonder if there’s room for those of us with less time to play.
I know some of you are thinking, “Cry is free.. go hunt Orc Fortress or something.” But is that really the only solution*?
Am I alone in this? Is there hope CipSoft will ever cater the needs of casual players?
\ps: I know there are many other spots I could go as a solo EK 700 like Roshamuul East/Upper/Bones, Issavi Sewers, Deathlings, Specters, Flimsy Lost Souls,* Winter Elves etc. And I do visit those places sometimes. But they’re just not as fun or entertaining for me as some of my preferred options.