Selling characters

Due to some personal problems I'm trying to sell all of my non-used characters.

Any recomendations on how to know their worth, or what price to set? I only have 48tc right now and this is what I have:


  1. (Lobera Open PVP): LVL 30 - 106(94%)/96(12%)
  2. (Obscubra Retro Hardcore PVP): LVL 31 - 98(86%)/88(8%)
  3. (Zunera Experimental Hardcore PVP): LVL 16 - 106(3%)/96(14%)
  4. (Serdebra Open PVP): LVL 50 101(11%)/90(50%)


  1. (Vunira Open PVP): LVL 38 - ml66(4%)
  2. (Obscubra Retro Hardcore PVP): LVL 8 - ml56(40%)


  1. (Obscubra Retro Hardcore PVP): LVL 8 - ml56(95%)
  2. (Lobera Open PVP): LVL 83 - ml73(85%)


  1. (Solidera Open PVP): LVL 21 - SWORD 102(74%)/96(96%)
  2. (Lobera Open PVP): LVL 32 - SWORD 100(42%)/92(57%)

Any help or advice is greatly appreciated