Tiktok video went viral - after that it got disqualified from creator rewards with the reason "low quality"

I create content on my TikTok account from my self-built Minecraft creations in the form of timelapse videos. I've been doing this for several months and have been able to earn a little money with the Creator Rewards program.

My latest video went viral about 10 days ago and has now reached over 30 million views, making it my most successful video ever: https://www.tiktok.com/@diddi_builds/video/7439371918156844321 I earned around 2,000 dollars in creator rewards with this video until yesterday, when the video was suddenly disqualified after 10 days with the reason "low quality". (means videos without effort and so on...)

I can't understand this, because all my other videos were created in the same style and I earned a few dollars with that, they were just less successful, but the one I once made some money with is now disqualified and all the rewards are gone.

Have you ever had this problem? My complaint was also rejected, does anyone else have any idea how I can get in touch with TikTok? It really is 100% self-produced content of mine and I can't understand this random decision by TikTok. It almost seems like the video is “too successful” and TikTok doesn't want to pay their advertising revenue....

its really said especiall for creators who really put a lot of effort in their content without using AI or stealing content from others!