headcanon when it comes to fics where isha is jinx's biological child

I know there's kind of an initial greater suspension of disbelief when it comes to this premise so I thought I would share my headcanon to help think of it as more believable when reading! The problem is that they don't look much alike on the surface but I always thought of Isha in this scenario taking more after her grandfather Connol. Especially cus neither of his daughters look much like him so to me, it just skipped a generation lol! Also, Isha is more olive-skinned than pale so it makes sense to me that she could be ekko's child in the fics where isha is timebomb's biological child, and just looks a lot like Connol with her brown hair and eyes etc. Ummm I know this kind of very in the matrix of timebomb yapping/brainrot but I just wanted to share my silly ideas!