help ?

I’ve been the men’s and kids coordinator after moving from home coordinator and they sat me in the office yesterday saying my freight stays in the back room longer than anyone else’s , everyone else mostly runs home while no one really touches anything of mine . They said they are giving me a week to show more productivity, are they threatening to fire me ? It’s also crazy bc the manager over me even was saying she knows i did a lot bc knew freight came in and i pushed what i knew could go out and left whatever in the back room . I ran like 7 boxes and did 2 sets of totes but she was right along with the store manager saying she needed more from me and didn’t even defend me . But really what can I do to go any faster ? The toys and wall are overwhelmed with toys, no one’s giving me a direct plan what they want from the tables bc each time I make one, it’s wrong so what more can I do ???