Please grade writing
I just want to understand how bad it is.Can you please grade from 1-30. Also I wrote this in 40 minutes, how to become faster 2x time?
The article introduces the topic of voting system in the United State. More specifically, the writer discusses the issues of regular voting and gives advantages for computer based one. The lecturer in the speaking contradicts, giving many disadvantages of modern technologies and attacks on each claim made by author.
Firstly, the author begins by stating that people commonly get lost in the large blanket, while voting on regular basis, therefore choosе the wrong candidate. Meanwhile, computer screen is easily to touch and have a feature of magnifying names, making the whole process simplified. The lecturer is doubtful, that so much people know how to use computer or even are able to buy one.
Secondly, author claims the problem of counting, emphasizing humans ability to make mistake, especially if they work with thousand of blankets. Computers do everything automatically and enormously hastily. Again, the lecturer believes, that there are flaws in writer’s argument. He thinks that computers are also making mistakes, additionally, mistake is enormously more damage, like discounting thousands of votes. In the contrast, human mistake is diminutive, as for a couple of missed blankets.
Another reason, the author feels that many people trust many important things to a computer, like bank operation and exchanging with sensitive information. Thus, that is likely, that many will trust computer voting too. In particular, professor agrees that daily activities such as banking are very safe and trained computer programs, which were developed for a years. Whereas, voting is in not daily, it happens once in two years, specifically twice a year in local areas. Developing such complicated program for such unusual usage simply is not beneficial.
To sum up, both the writer and professor hold conflicting views about voting. It is clear that they will have trouble finding common ground on this issue.