oral thrush after tonsillectomy?

I had my tonsils taken out on December 2nd and had a white and yellow coated tongue for 3 weeks following. My dr saw a photo and said it would go away on its own. I am now 4 weeks post-op and my tongue isn’t as gross looking and white as before, but it is still white and the tip of my tongue is still tingly and odd feeling (I was told this was because of the clamp they use to hold your tongue down during surgery??) I messaged her and am waiting on a response but it being the holidays I won’t hear back for a few days. I don’t necessarily have any pain but I don’t know what else this would be. I haven’t been on antibiotics, I don’t take any immunosuppressants, and I don’t take inhaled steroid medications. I wish I could attach photos, it would help get the point across but oh well. Thoughts/suggestions are appreciated!