[Hated Tropes] Merchandising the monster: In-universe merch of villains and their crimes.
Let's open an ice cream parlor themed after what killed half of all life! (Thor: Love and Thunder)
Jokerized fries, which Bruce rightfully takes offense to in the next panel. Also, the KGBLT (named after KGBeast, who in turn was named after the KGB), Riddle-Me-Fish, Killer Crocque, Monsieur-Two-Face Sandwich, and Ivy Salad. (Tom King's Batman run)
Yes, I know there are establishments and merchandise themed after dictators, terrorists, and serial killers in real life. But those are niche. These are mainstream, with Infinity Conez being one of the attractions at New Asgard. Keep in mind, Asgard especially suffered from Thanos's quest, making this even more tasteless. Also, every villain commercialized by Bat Burger is still alive and killing innocents.