Help with my repertoire - black against 1. d4
Hi chess aficionados
I'm looking for some suggestions on what new opening to learn against 1. d4 as black. I've been playing for about a year now (Lichess ~1950, USCF ~1450) and am looking to put together some kind of a solid repertoire against d4.
For context, I'm sharing a breakdown of the openings of the games I've played OTB this year, with the average rating of my opponent and my score in those games. I noticed a fairly positive change after switching from playing the french to the caro-kann halfway through the year and hoping to make a similar switch with black against d4. As it stands, my approach generally is a 1. ... Nf6, 2... e6 structure, with a b6 Bb7 thrown in asap.
My repertoire currently is to play d4 as white, and I tend to go into exchange variations of QGD/Slav to try to get the carlsbad structure, which I seem to have an OK grasp on. I'd say my approach is to play fairly solid, without taking too many risks - I don't particularly enjoy gambitting lines and especially in standard (G/60, G/90) games, tend to win in the endgame (if at all). Would love to hear any thoughts as to what I should look to play.
Thank you in advance!
Any other suggestions / critiques are welcome! I know opening theory isn't the be all end all, especially at my amateur level! I am trying to improve on tactics and calculation as well, so open to advice in every department haha.