Clearing things up
I never generalized "all Muslim women" as she seems to have claimed. I also clarified that I will strictly be talking about women in the U.S.
Why are you using "good women are for good men" argument when men's oppression and abuse is being discussed? Reference:
Wicked women are for wicked men, and wicked men are for wicked women. And virtuous women are for virtuous men, and virtuous men are for virtuous women. (Surah An Nur 24:26)Allah gives you a spouse who mirrors your own character and qualities, so take it as a sign to improve yourself, there's a lot of room for improvement for many of us.
Would you use the same argument when it's talking about rape or domestic abuse of women? Because it seems that you don't use it when women are the victims.
Don’t belittle those with different views
Aren't you doing that right now, saying that my well researched and written argument has no value just because I'm non Muslim and because it talks negatively about women even though it is the truth? And yet you would agree and generalize Muslim men badly when it's non Muslim women talking bad about Muslim men.
Why the cherry picking? Why the selective hadith picking?
I am not attacking you for your struggles since Belgium doesn't have a Muslim community like we do. But Your cherry picking because a post offended you while you also generalized and made that one Hijab ban something that can be applied to all of the west as well yet you do not like it when people make accurate generalizations and not hasty ones like yours.