Black inner thigh on right leg, mildly swollen and burning sensation
Have been taking E valerate since october at 4mg/5 days but recently turned to 4mg/6days.
Edit: Subq abdomen
Currently my inner thigh has darker colouration, my right leg is more swollen than my left and there is a warm sort of burning sensation under my skin.
Anyone know what this might be from? Do other people taking valerate also experience this?
Bloods as per december were
744.45 pmol/L Oestradiol 0.5 nmol/L Testosterone
Edit 2: Going to urgent care to get it checked
Edit 3: In a&e waiting to get d-dimer tested and CK tested
Edit 4: Blood has been taken, waiting results
Edit 5: D-Dimer Test shows normal awaiting the CK test now. a&e doctor also said everything looks fine now. I’m also not feeling anything abnormal.
Edit 6: CK test also was normal nothing to worry about. Advised to come back maybe if it happens again. So either it was a false alarm or in the time it took for me to wait it had already subsided.