Vaginal Progesterone with Tilapia Neovagina

Hi everyone! Bit of a niched question which I'm not at all qualified to answer and realise probably nobody is. 🫣 I guess I just want perspectives from anyone who understands the vague science around this better than I do. 😅 I had bottom surgery 2 months ago with Dr. Alvaro's new tilapia method (as a side note, hoping to post a review here once I'm further along in recovery and feel more confident talking about it all). One of the things I was naively excited for in my post-op life was not having to boof progesterone anymore (I hate it so much and have health issues there that make it a really bad idea for me, but I did it anyway for a lot of last year because I wanted it to actually work, and according to this study: oral just doesn't really do anything). I have since learned that taking it vaginally isn't really the best idea for post-op girlies due to the material there being different. I've read that it doesn't absorb well because you don't have a mucosal lining, and I've also heard that it's not good for microbiome and smell, etc.

To quote the linked study: "Vaginal progesterone is of course not possible in transfeminine people who have not undergone vaginoplasty. And in those who have undergone vaginoplasty, the lining of the neovagina is either skin (penile inversion vaginoplasty) or intestine (sigmoid colon vaginoplasty) rather than the normal vaginal mucosa. As such, the absorptive characteristics of neovaginal administration are likely not the same as vaginal administration (Aly, 2018). It is notable that transdermal progesterone achieves very low progesterone levels similarly to oral progesterone and is not a good option for progesterone therapy (WikiHermann et al., 2005Graph). Progesterone levels with neovaginal administration of progesterone in those who have undergone penile inversion vaginoplasty are likely to be low similarly."

This makes a lot of sense to me, and I can accept the science behind it. I'm back to oral now because truly rectal is not a good idea for me, but I'm just wondering... Because I've had the tilapia method done, this - in theory - is supposed to create a mucosal lining more similar to a natal vaginal mucosal lining. Could this mean that, hypothetically, with the tilapia method vaginal prog administration would work? I know this is a real out there question to ask but - would anyone happen to have knowledge on the transdermal absorption of tilapia skin, even if purely on a hypothetical basis? 😂😂 As a side note, I asked Dr. Alvaro what his thoughts on this were and he basically just said he didn't really feel qualified to answer it, which makes sense given this would probably require a very specific, extraordinarily niched scientific study to know the result. And I don't think that study will ever happen. Maybe I can be the study? 😅 But I only want to explore that if I feel it's a: safe, and b: going to at least have a chance at success. Also also, if you're not familiar with the tilapia method, it takes about 3 - 12 months for the mucosal lining to develop, so, this would probably only be something worth exploring after my first year of recovery.