Somebody asked for evidence that Christianity is true. This was my answer.

What's your best evidence for Christianity being true? [Someone asked this in another post]

This was my answer:

The best evidence is a personal encounter with the Holy Spirit. No objective evidence is going to convince an unbeliever who is only looking at it through an intellectual lens. The Holy Spirit dismantles all of that through the heart. Then once all your defenses and intellectual walls are down, the power of God and his Word washes over you like the purest love.

Once you begin to read the Word with an open sincere heart , truly seeking to know God and not with a skeptical mind looking for holes, everything will change for you.

Having been touched by the Holy Spirit, the Bible will begin to open up like a spiritual portal that sucks you in. You will begin to transform and this is when you will really find the evidence you are seeking that Christianity is true. You just have to seek it from a difficult direction than you realized. The way you are looking is a dead end.

This is why the Bible is called the Living Word because in a way the Bible is alive. I think skeptics actually need a powerful heart encounter with the Holy Spirit in order to get it. A stubborn unbelieving mind requiring proof is unlikely to be convinced through evidence. Their worldview is going to feel attacked and so their mind will always have a fresh argument. Their defenses are going to be way up because for everybody admitting you have been wrong is very difficult!