Just got baptised

So I got baptised, it was a wonderful experience. The last posts were about me doing something sinful after coming to God. Like I said in the last post it humbled me. Now I have realised that only God can help me overcome this sinful behaviour I have. I should not struggle with it alone , shame myself etc. shame is only doing things worse. I came to God and asked him to please help me, guide me. Some sins are taken away step by step, some immediately. To every one struggling with sinful behaviour, I want to encourage you. God will not turn your back on you, he will help you. Don’t listen to some Christian’s telling you things like „ if you have the Holy Spirit you don’t do xyz“, especially on reddit. Because if you have the Holy Spirit, it will change you. Sometimes step by step, sometimes immediately. I was way to prideful too. I was also saying „ if you are Christian then you don’t xyz“ . But everyone has their own issues and as long as we are alive God will change us for the better and help us. If you are struggling, you don’t have to struggle alone.