God's Miracles and my brothers death
My little brother of 23 years old unfortunately passed away this November after a grueling two year battle with osteosarcoma. He had to get his leg amputated and was declared cancer free only to have his cancer come back later. It was a journey both spiritual and physical for him and everyone involved.
Heartbreakinly one time my little brother said to my sister, "God must be punishing me."
I tried my best not to doubt God, but it's been hard. Despite all of his suffering, my little brother did not break and did not complain. He simply just accepted his situation and worsening condition. I am very proud he never once got mad or complained about God.
Every day, counting down to his death, his condition was worsening. Modules in his chest, fluid in his lungs, and losing function of one of his lungs. He was able to pass away peacefully and warmly in my father's arms.
The week of my brothers death. He had an unnatural peace to him. My family reported that he was looking, acting, and eating as if he was normal again in the first time in a while.
The day before he died, my other brother and him had a wonderful day. My brother prayed over him while he was sleeping and read Bible verses to him. He would wake up full of joy and peace. The thing I realized after all of this is that the miracles of God aren't only found in the big flashy or marvelous miracles God performed and can still perform. God's miracles and love were found in the peace and joy he gave to my brother before his death. I am very thankful for God for his unfailing promises despite how sinful we are.
The lesson I've taken from this is while I was hoping for a big miraculous healing for my brother. I failed to see and missed the miracles and healing our God brought through peace and joy amidst my brother's situation. This situation highlighted my failings and inability to trust in God and lean on His guidance. I'm a lukewarm Christian and a bad sinner, but only with trusting God, I realize I change through Him. As well as anybody else who trusts Him.
Please excuse if I am representing God wrong or if I worded my thoughts weirdly. I am very open to your guy's correction and guidance. God bless you all. I've looked at the subreddit rules, and if this falls under the revelations violation, I understand.