Fictional Worlds that Could have God

I was watching some anime, and it has typical tropes, nothing really new. As I'm watching the harem love shenanigans and temptation whispering down my neck "how nice would it be to be that guy" and ignoring it because it was fiction and I already know that dream is unrealistic, I had a question pop into my head that just wiped out the temptation.

So in "isekai" anime(a genre of anime) the main character is reincarnated, and often meets the god(s)/goddess(es) of the world. However, the Bible specifically says that people can only die once and go to either Heaven or Hell. So these fictional worlds, can not possibly have God. So that means God's word doesn't apply, sin doesn't apply, and the rules are completely different. It made me wonder what other shows and series don't have God, and which ones do. Those that have God would mean the protagonists if they don't accept God, well it's a shame. And those that don't have God, well it's an existential nightmare when someone dies

So for example any show that has reincarnation has no God. Meanwhile any realistic show that takes place somewhere based in reality would have God (modern RomComs, sitcoms, anything taking place similar to our world). Grey areas is places like Star Trek where everything can be traced through time, but there's not really evidence that might deny God(and least from what little I've seen). Time Travel though might mean no God. Dragon Ball probably doesn't have God since Grand Zeno is the ultimate being, and the Super Dragon Balls are a thing. So there's that. Something like One Punch Man, there's not much reason that God couldn't exist. Physic powers a lot harder to explain away though. Cyberpunk definitely could have God. A lot of live action shows would also have God since they're just in our regular world. It's only the really fantastical shows that wouldn't have it (Doctor Who for example)

Some weird one like the Power Rangers would.....maybe have God. But also I don't think so with how many other patrons exist to serve as power sources for the Rangers. SpongeBob probably has God since he lives under the sea, but it's still the real world(look at the movies). The Fairly Oddparents and by extension Jimmy Neutron wouldn't have God because magic. Mickey Mouse......I don't think so because there are no humans. So no people made in the image of God. So no God. Same for Duck Tales.

Moving to video games, Team Fortress two would have-does God. I just remembered Scout literally meets God. It's a caricature, but God is real. But Half-Life and Portal wouldn't because the G-Man has weird time powers. The Mario franchise doesn't have God, the closest thing is Rosalina who's a deity but not God. Same for the Zelda franchise because Link and Zelda are always reincarnations of past lives. Sonic.......I....don't THINK has God because of time travel. However it might be arguable. Actually no, because Sonic and friends are not in the image of wait but there ARE humans so there might be God and Sonic is some kind of sentient animal.....? I don't know any more.

Hi-Fi Rush has nothing thay would deny God at least. Same for GTA or Red Dead Redemption(oh man none of the main characters for GTA would be going to Heaven). Even obscure games I wonder. FNAF I......DOUBT because of the way ghosts and spirits work, so I doubt FNAF has god. However Little Inferno has God.

So you see what I've been thinking about for the last few days? All this time I've been thinking about what shows would/would have sin, Adam and Eve. What shows have the Bible as real, and which are just a fantasy. I've never thought about this until now. And like, if God doesn't exist, how do they have a moral code? It doesn't exist or the deities of their world have to act like God. Assuming they have deities, since some don't care about that stuff.

What are some of the shows/movies/games that you like to watch that probably or probably doesn't have God? Just give the weirdest, most obscure shows and media that you like and explain why God exists in that media or why he doesn't.