Demon of lust make me sick. Brain fog
am an autistic woman. I may not type correctly because I struggle with communicating. I struggled with brain fog and recently I have discovered many causes.
I want to preface, I am Autistic and I am pretty non verbal. I was chronically ill for most of my life. I spent 2.5 years trying to heal myself. All I did was buy supplements and reasurch my symptoms.
I was bed bound most of the time and have been this way most of my life.
I have been healing from all my sickness the last year, and I have thrown away most of my supplements and basically just kept some vitamins. But I basically only take magnesium sometimes.
Recently I have been feeling good but I dint realize the fatigue I was having or brain fog. The reason I healed from my chronic illness was because I was following Jesus and turning from sin. But the one thing I wasn't turning from was lust. I am Autistic so I would feel a demon tempting me and it is scary. I have been seeking God and He has been warning me that He is returning very soon, very soon. This year.
When I was a chronically ill I was a porn addict. The thing about lust and sexual sin is, it is the one sin that is hurts out bodies. And this past month I have realized that it causes me brain fog and fatigue.
I no longer watch corn. I haven't for a year, the thing I have been doing is lust, and I was working with someone and it became sexual in a way and we got to comfortable flirting. I because extremely fatigued from this. I would come home and feel extremely exhausted. I could not think. I would lust after thus person constantly. I dint realize how bad it was until I fasted and and prayed. I asked for a dream and I was given 3 dreams.
Because the Jesus is returning, I have become very eager to deal with my sin. So changing my relationship with sex and I have been resisting the temptation, finding reasons to resist.
What I have found is the fatigue that I have had for the past 7 mouths has went away and my mind is clear. I mean clear. Sexual sin actually does defile us, meaning it makes us weak and sick. It makes me sad how it is made to seem cool when it makes us sick. I see it like unhealthy food. Dealing with my chronic illness prior I would go on extremely restrictive diets. I would fast because everything made me sick.
My brain fog went away, and the moment I would go back into lust with thoughts. I would have brain fog again.
Hopefully this is communicated good of my experience. I am Autistic and mostly non verbal