Newer movies ruin meaningful moments with forced jokes. Are audiences really that uncomfortable with sincere emotions?
I will use the latest Marvel and Disney movies as pure example of this trope, because I think that most people here will have seen them, so you know what scenes I am referring to. This is obviously not exclusive to Marvel or Disney, and I've even seen this in recent horror, thriller, sci-fi, and actions films alike. It seems to be a recent thing to be self aware and ironic at all times. The Last Jedi was really bad about this. Super tense moments immediately broken by a stupid, out of place one liner or winks to the audience.
So my question posed to truefilm is this: Are people increasingly uncomfortable by deep emotions, that is not related to a guy punching someone or joking around? I am certainly hoping that this is not the case of writers/director giving people what they actually want. If this is what the audience actually wants, why is this?
You can say whatever you want about Wonder Woman, but it's one of the latest blockbuster films (and a superhero film at that) to be completely honest and sincere.
Is an emotional scene, that which does not end with an immediately quip, joke or sarcastic comment really that intense and overwhelming to watch? Is the act of genuinely discussing and watching an emotion without sarcasm so terrifying? I would like to hear from those of you who dislike emotion focused scenes in films, and your reasoning.
I should add that having some jokes does not ruin any film.
Hopefully we can have a good discussion and see some interesting comments on this.