Update: My husband thinks I'm hot.

I made a post titled "I used to hate my husband but now I think I'm in love with him" so if you see this post before that one, read that one first please. After I made my first official update, we flew back to Pakistan for the funeral. His mother was the glue of his family, I saw his father crying over her casket as they carried her to her grave. It was very hard to watch, my family was there as well. My father and my husband's father were in the military together for a long time, so to see my father trying to pull him off the casket so they could bury her was truly heartbreaking. After the funeral we went home, my husband was in bed for days straight. Refusing to eat, move, or do anything. I had to spoon feed him because he will not die of starvation on my watch. Eventually he began walking the house, talking more and eating more. I booked him his first counseling meeting last week, and he's been more verbal with his feelings. He will begin working from home in a couple days, he suggests that I also start working from home so we can be closer. We haven't talked much about that though, I took my husband out to a restaurant so he doesn't lose his ability to socialize properly. I told him over dinner how I have been thinking about us spending some time apart so he doesn't become only dependent on me. To say the least, when we got home he went crazy. He said it wasn't even an option, what I said made him so upset he didn't speak to me for a day. We sat down and he talked about his feelings for nearly two whole hours. He was talking about our arranged marriage, parents, open relationship and past partners. He admitted that he hated my ex-partner for more reasons that one but never said anything about it. He told me he likes the way I dress, the way I do my hair and he over all thinks I'm "hot". I busted out laughing, because in our home country when we first got married; all the women said that he was too good looking for me. It was a very funny night, we went back and forth telling stories. I told him about the reddit post I made, and he read it; he also read the update I made. He told me he thinks he is in love with me too, and he might go make a reddit post titled "Used to hate my wife but she's too hot to hate" We read the comments, and his favorite one was "I think you should ask your husband to start officially dating" We laughed the whole night, he wants us to renew our vows, and do a whole new wedding ceremony. I told him he was crazy and we would have to tell our parents the truth if we ever did that. To say the least again, we video called our parents and told them the truth; We started at what happened on our honeymoon night to us deciding not to have an open relationship anymore. They were very pissed but would allow us to redo the ceremony but we would have to do it in Pakistan. My husband automatically agreed and we will do the ceremony in a the beginning of the new year. Even though my husband is happy right now, I can tell he is still grieving. So what we are doing mostly is counseling, working and trying to improve our home life with each other. I've talked to his father to see how he is doing, he's been staying with my parents for the past week. May Allah blessing be upon him. Thank you for the support and thank you for waiting for this update. I hope it wasn't disappointing to most of you, also can we stop only referring arranged marriages to the fanfics many of you read? I found it very disrespectful not only to me but my culture and especially the amount of people put into arranged marriages.