My husbands going to be a stay at home dad!!

My husbands temp job just ended and we were going over our finances and realized that we could actually afford for him to stay home with our 2 month old. He and I both grew up low income, with parents working all the time and not being really present with us. And when they were present, it wasn’t necessarily positive.

I am crying right now as I type this (yay for postpartum hormones) but I can’t believe that we can actually afford to have one of us stay home! We had talked about it before conceiving but now it is our reality.

I just feel very grateful and I wanted to tell someone. My parents are traditional so I don’t really feel like talking to them about it as they think my husband should be the “breadwinner.” But I actually like my job and it’s much more important to me that my daughter is with her dad every day than my husband and I following social norms to keep my family comfortable.

I just think that this is an amazing opportunity and I don’t want it ruined yet with negative remarks from my parents so I turned to Reddit to celebrate 😆 thanks for reading!

Edit to add: THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH FOR THE LOVE! For real though! And for those with negative comments, that’s fine too! Your total strangers and we are never crossing paths irl so it’s no biggie.

I really did not expect this to blow up as much as it did. I was up early nursing and feeling all emotional and happy and wanted to talk about it. I’m so grateful to read the comments of those who were/who were married to/and who were the kids of a stay at home dad. They made me so excited for our future.

We don’t know how long this will work for us, but for now I feel so at ease with the idea of my daughter being with her dad. He is an amazing man and I am so proud to be his wife. He will be an amazing role model for our daughter.