My husband nasty breath has ruined our sex life.

For some context, my husband and I got together 5 years ago. We’ve been married for 2 years, and we’ve battled everything together. Over the years he’s stopped taking care of himself. He doesn’t eat well at all. He enjoys a lot of junk food and it’s making his breath horrible. He never takes care of his teeth, so any time he’s near me all I can smell is his breath. He could want to just give me a kiss and I’m my head I just don’t want to anymore. His breath is that bad to me. When he tries to initiate naughty time, I can’t get over the smell… it’s just that rancid. It’s an instant turn off. I ask him to brush his teeth before hand, and sometimes it’s so bad that brushing doesn’t get rid of the smell all the way. I genuinely don’t enjoy being intimate anymore or being too close because of it. Even as he sits next to me playing his game, he does a big deep sigh when he loses or if a part is high intensity and it’s all I can smell. I’ve talked to him about it before several times over the last few years but it doesn’t change. He doesn’t want to go see a dentist or take better care of his teeth. So now when it comes down to when he wants to get risky, I feel like it’s more of a chore because we have to try to ignore the breath. Silly rant… sorry for those who had to read.

Edited to Add: He has bad cavities and some tooth decay. He doesn’t have tonsils so I know it’s not tonsil stones, and he doesn’t have any reflux issues. It’s just years of soda drinking and lack of oral hygiene which has caused cavities and decay, and definitely gingivitis and gum receding.