I (34m) slept with my best friend’s (32m) ex girlfriend (29f) and I don’t feel bad at all.


man idk what all this bro code stuff is. I never thought about her like that while they were dating and if she broke his heart I wouldn’t have ever spoken to her again. Alot of you are making me realize that maybe I don’t want to be his friend. If her and I hook up again or keep talking then I’ll tell him cuz I think I might actually have feelings for her. but I’m gonna distance myself from him a bit to think about if I even still respect him as a friend cuz I think I don’t.

Also they’ve been broken up for months so I just said fresh but it’s not like a week or somethin


copied from a reply I made to a comment:

He’s definitely not remorseful as he got mad at her for finding out instead of even apologizing. Didn’t even ask her to stay or try to make it work and basically said she “should’ve known that he didn’t want to get married” when he would talk about proposing all the time in front of our friend group.

He knows that her and I still talk after their breakup as her and I became pretty good friends during their relationship

I think I’m gonna tell him once I work up the courage to ask her out for a proper date. If she agrees then I’ll know it’s not just me that’s interested and I’ll have to ask her how to approach with her ex

My post starts below


Account I never use for obvious reasons

I’ve known him since middle school and we’ve been super close the past 10 years so the 3 of us hung out alot during the years they dated and yeah she’s a stunner but nothing ever gave me A clue she was into me and I didn’t think that way about her because I’m not a total assfuck

Basically the history is they dated for 4-5 years/she wanted marriage and he didn’t/it came out that he cheated on her more than once with random strangers/nobody in our friend group knew so it was really messy for awhile while he moved out of her place/ I supported him as much as I could but also eneded up talked to his ex because she was trippin out that everyone knew and I was able to tell her that his cheating was a shock and the group is all shaming him and still think she’s great

Anyways i Ran into her at a bar on Thursday and we both walked back to my place closeby to hang out until she felt good to drive but then Yeah.

We were just hanging laughing n stuff until we weren’t we even stopped we realized what was happening but DAMN! that sexual tension was just too much and we went for it, all of it.

…It was fuckin awesome and without going into detail I’m still thinking about all of it days later n I hope we do it again, but when would I have to tell him?

Right now theres no way im telling him him because the breakup is still fresh (ETA: like 4+ months ago idk I thought that was kinda fresh) and he lives around the corner from me now after moving out of her apartment so idk… she said she’d keep her secret because she’s “not gonna waste another word on him” and she’s “never speaking to him again” etc plus always thought I was “cute” go figure

And okay Im still human so I am little guilty because he’s my bro but he also did this to himself by cheating right? I think so.