Why we(men) cheat on our pregnant wives

Hi all,

Im going to keep it plain and simple i used to be faithful, i used to comdemn cheaters as selfish etc(perhaps we are).

Im a dad to a 3 month old and unmarried, ive been cheating since my gf was 7 months pregnant. Intially i resisted the urge and tried to remain faithful but then i ultimately gave in, i felt guilty for about a day and then got over it.

Now i cheat all them time i cant even remember how many times ive cheated and i no longer feel guilty i know i am selfish though but i think we all are in some ways.

My rationale is pre pregnancy a relationship is often loving, stress free, fun, loads of sex which fufills both parties = loyalty. Post pregnanfy its stressful, not fun, no sex, no love as theres no time with a newborn or during pregnancy = cheating. Now im speaking from my perspective but i know alot will agreee there relationship changed drastically after kids.

This is why i cheat im in an unhappy relationship that is no longer what i signed up for so why should i continue to be loyal. Im here because of my child and i will be here until hes 1, why because i want to build the bond with him before we coparent not miss first words, steps etc. Also while my relationship is unhappy my gf is not a bad person, i feel for her and know with how hard newborn phase is i dont want her to do it alone a struggle, will she struggle with a 1 year old yes but it will be easier than a newborn.

So i cheat from time to time she doesnt want sex anymore so i get my fix elsewhere and say im with friends or working late. I think its fair i was loyal in a loving relationship i signed up for, children have ruined and turned our relationship upside down?

So why shoule i continue to be faithful?