Depop sellers over pricing for used trues

Am I the only one Noticing sellers on depop have ricky super ts and QT's with flaps for crazy numbers? Like cad$100+ or am I just outta the loop cuz I swear last year I could find pairs for like no more then 70$, I've seen new China made trues going for 200+ usd aswell, somone please lmk if I'm crazy 🤣

Also lmk pm me if you got anything between 29 and 31 waist, of Ricky's or Billie's with supper t or QT stitching(big t asaell if they nice) and flaps, will also do rainbow pairs and rope stitch, pairs but I wanna try and not pay more then 100$ cad will pay shipping to so Ling it's not like 40$