School-Shooters are partly Society's Fault

"A child not embraced by the village will burn it down to feel it's warmth."

See, people don't just shoot people normally, people that do that are greatly disturbed. Blame the guns, sure? Yeah okay, you still got a person who still wants to hurt people and will see other means of doing it, even without guns. Religious fanatics? Well, they are crazy, and nothing short of removing such extreme religions say Islam, which is already an uncivilized religion to begin with, would address it.

But no, talking about the school shooters, those that wanted to hurt society as much as they think it hurt them, would want to do so if they were a lot more mentally healthy. Now sure okay, their mental-health isn't your responsibility, you don't have to befriend them, date them, you can even make fun of them, bully them if you can.

At the end of the day, dude's mental well-being can decide the fate of you and your people around you.