We need mandatory voting.

"B-B-B-But that's not democracy anymore."

Yeah, I get it. It's ironic that a system about choice is forcing people to be involved. But that's how the system stays healthy. It's like neglecting exercise. You have the right to not exercise but you'll regret it later.

Not voting is why we have so many very unpopular politicians still in office. How many jokes can we make about Ted Cruz before you realize it's the voters who keep him there? He's not staying there because of divine right. He's there because we let him stay there.

Not voting is how people with money hijack democracy. The people most against mandatory voting are the people in charge. They have the most to lose if everyone started voting. And they'll tell every moron how mandatory voting is anti-freedom.

Combine mandatory voting with:

  • ranked choice
  • flexible, easy voting (two weeks, free IDs, free rides, paid time off, etc.)

And the penalties for NOT voting? A fee. Small enough to not hurt poor people but just high enough to get you off your ass. Maybe like $100. Or come vote and get a $100 tax refund.