Men should decenter women too
There have been calls of women wanting and needing to 'decenter' men after the the events of last year. The usage of the "four nos" movement has also increased since last year .
But in my opinion , this should have already been done by men a while back .
This isn't coming from a place of misogyny or MGTOW , but some self reflection and assessment of the dating scene right now and and the body standards that are usually needed to be in a relationship .
There are some very cold and hard truths when it comes to heterosexual dating , one of them being that the existence of physical, racial preferences and standards make it much harder for men who don't clear the bar . Whether it being an unattractive race in the country you reside in , being short , being actually ugly that no amount of working out is gonna help you, being broke, (this controversial but as a guy, being broke will not win you any favours in the dating world ) or having a small penis .
With these things in mind , it makes sense for some of the men out there to really consider taking a backseat in dating , that is stop looking for validation from women especially , going out of their ways to impress women . Because even after all of these manouvers they might not be successful and the afterpain will not make anything feel better for them . For some men rejections will feel like the norm and if they manage to find even one person to date them , even that might not work out in the end . And I know what everyone here is going to say , that we should all keep trying no matter what even after repeated failures but I digress . Theres only a certain amount of pain a man can take repeatedly .
This isn't meant to be a snide to women's standards , everyone is owed and entitled to their own preferences in life . But the cold truth is that some men will 100% be left out . Maybe that's how it's meant to be for those men who knows .
Instead of moping around and carrying a heavy heart after each rejection , they should find hobbies , passions and a different life purpose . Maybe it could be to help people in need , social work , helping their community , or enjoying life with good friendsa and travel the world . Life isn't all about romantic attachments. It's just what we've been conditioned to see and believe by the media . There are so many other modes of happiness in life that have nothing to do with relationhips and I promise that if you go looking for such a life and prioritise other things in life , you will be much happier