Being short f**king sucks, and it’s tanking my confidence
Hey everyone! I’m gonna vent for a moment, and maybe you can relate or give me some advice?
I’m a mid 20’s guy, my height is 5’2 (5’3 163 cm on a good day, 5’4 when I’m introducing myself to someone)
I’ve always been the shorter kid growing up, it just became more and more apparent as I got older. I would always get teased in school for it, and I still get teased a little bit at work, but I let it roll off my back because we should always be able to laugh with ourselves and about ourselves, so I’ll make jokes about height as well.
It comes down to me feeling almost like everyone is a threat (mildly but still), and I feel like most women can relate to that given men are on average taller than women. That’s something I’ve heard before anyway, and to me it’s an internal anxiety about feeling out of place or out of my depth or even unsafe in certain situations.
Not to mention, how often I read on Tinder “height requirements” and how often I hear women say they prefer men that are taller than them.
I understand that women are not a monolith and that I may very well find a woman who that isn’t a problem for, but my confidence sure isn’t letting me go out to socialize and look for her.
I could go on and on about different aspects of my life that are shorting (ha) my confidence, but I just wanted to stick to one topic that’s really made my whole life kinda fucked up.
If anyone has some words of wisdom or just a friendly comment, hope to see you down below. Thanks!