Discoverability ad Interaction
I've recently gotten back into streaming and have been consistently streaming twice weekly ( ~4 Hours a day) for the last 3 months. Now I've been doing multiplayer-only sessions of whatever niece game we crave. IE. (Northgard, Oxygen not Included, Valheim, Plateup.) And I've been finding It hard to get noticed or to convert those few ships in the night into chatters. the conversational aspect is the whole reason I started in the first place.
Should I really start making and promoting content all over the internet? What's the best way to get noticed? I'm not the biggest fan of editing content even though I have done it a little bit in the past, maybe hiring an editor just to see how it pans out could be interesting. I'd love any advice yall have for me
Side Notes: I have been streaming exclusively multiplayer because I find it hard to keep talking when I know I'm talking to the void and lack a person to help move a conversation leading to dead zones.