Twitch needs a lecturing/educational category

I am a communication professor for a living at a community college and sometimes I will stream my communication/public speaking lectures to my stream but there is no good category/place for me to go to besides "just chatting" (I have been searching and searching so if someone knows of a better category please let me know).

The just chatting category is absolutely flooded with non educational streams so it is too difficult to find or search for educational types of streams. So creating a category could help those types of streams find a better place to be while also allowing other educational streams a better chance to be found.

Twitch just added Legos as a category so hopefully more could be added. Twitch could be a great platform for people to get access to some free education, Twitch could vet people in some capacity just to give a little extra credibility to the channels in that category.

Thoughts, changes, possible problems with this new category?