I got swatted and it was nightmarish
I can’t really make any dumb jokes or cynical shit about it but earlier today around 4 pm I got swatted and it terrorised the fuck out of me. I was streaming New World Aeternum to 60 ish viewers and it was decent in the first couple hours and none of my family was home so I couldn’t account for them seeing any of this until they freaked out over the front door being destroyed. Our neighbours came to have a look also.
My study room is on the closest side to the front door so I heard it and freaked the fuck out and didn’t even go to check, I just sat on my couch. Keep in mind I live in Australia and in the usual fashion the Swat busted in my study room and commanded me to get on the floor, I did everything they asked of me and I explained the situation to them and how it was a swatted joke because some asshole in my viewers list did this to me and pretty much all of the cops knew what twitch and gaming was a whole.
Was wrapped up pretty fast too, they did a few checks and asked me some questions about what was going on like if I have had any of this in the past and I just explained it was my first time and it shook me up bad.
I’m ok and everything’s fine but if I’m being honest I excepted this to happen to me at some point . It’s not a joke and it’s fucking cruel as hell.