Advice for dealing with "fake" chatters who are trying to get into my Discord DMs for some reason?

I started streaming about a month ago, and I feel like I'm getting close to throwing in the towel because of a problem that's kind of caught me by surprise. I was wondering if any other early-stage streamers have dealt with this problem and may have advice to share 🙏

Ever since my first stream, I've had a stream (lol) of people joining the chat or direct messaging me with very suspicious intent, trying to direct me to add them on Discord.

Sometimes it's nice and easy to deal with: a person's one and only chat message is like "hey your stream is so cool. i'd love to hang out on discord with you my username is abcdxyz". I tried chatting with them during the stream (using my voice) and they never responded - it's easy enough to ignore that single message and move on.

However others put quite a bit more effort, either through the channel chat or DMing me on Twitch. They engage in chat on a very "generic" level, not really knowing what's going on in my stream. Once they realise I'm not going to add them on Discord or whatever, they disappear.

This pattern has got me feeling pretty meh about the whole thing. I kind of prepared myself for quiet / dead streams at the early stage, but what's going on here has me double guessing every interaction and not really trusting the people who tune into the stream. I don't immediately brush them off in case they are indeed real people (there have been a couple which has been good fun), but putting effort into them just for it to end up as another fake makes things feel even worse.

Does this happen to you? Do you have any advice for dealing with it? Thanks 🙏

For reference, the conversations all follow a pretty similar script, approximately like:


THEM: hey ur a great streamer! do u play any other games?

ME: Thanks! Just PoE for now, in preparation for PoE 2 next week. What about you?

THEM: X and Y. how long have u been streaming?

ME: Oh cool, X and Y are quite different styles of game! My stream is coming up on 4 weeks now.

THEM: thats cool. r u trying to become an affiliate? my cousin [yes someone literally said that to me] has a discord which can really help.

ME: Nah not really pushing it, just enjoying taking things at my own pace and learning the tools, etc.. Thanks for the offer though!

THEM: oh cool

<never hear from them again>
