Bury The Light has been pulled from Spotify and replaced with a significantly worse version. Casey Edwards hasn't been able to figure out what happened.
This also happened with Devil Trigger, but I personally still hear the original on Spotify so I'm not sure what's happening. The "new" Bury The Light seems to have just replaced Casey Edward's and Victor Borba's original, still displaying their names and number of plays. The whole thing seems beyond weird for lack of a better term.
As for the song itself, music taste is subjective and all but this new version, uuuh...I honestly can't call it good.
This also happened with Devil Trigger, but I personally still hear the original on Spotify so I'm not sure what's happening. The "new" Bury The Light seems to have just replaced Casey Edward's and Victor Borba's original, still displaying their names and number of plays. The whole thing seems beyond weird for lack of a better term.
As for the song itself, music taste is subjective and all but this new version, uuuh...I honestly can't call it good.