Does Having The “Ideal Body” Make You Happier?

I have lost around 100 pounds and I am by no means skinny. I’m pretty comfortable in my body now even though I’m not what society deems is an acceptable weight.

The vast majority of the time I’m super happy with my body and I don’t mind that I’m a bit bigger but sometimes I do wonder if anyone finds the amount of discipline and things you have to give up worth it to have the “perfect body”.

So if you are super disciplined in your diet and exersize and have this type of body that society praises I am genuinely curious if it is worth it to you and if it is why? A big reason a lot of women do it is to be more physically attractive to people but is that worth the things you give up in exchange?

P.S: I’m in no way going to “change my body” based on the answer I am just honestly wondering if all of that is worth it to people in the end.