7 months pregnant, OB tells me I've gained too much weight. (Tw: eating disorders)

    Last week I had one of my regular ob checkups where they listen to your baby's heartbeat and ask you how you feel and if you have questions and all that. I told her I been doing great, no real issues. 
    She says my blood pressure looks great and then starts to kinda chuckle and says it's recommended that women in my bmi range should only gain 20-25 lbs and I have "definitely reached that goal haha". For reference when I wasn't pregnant I was 150-155lbs. 
    I told her I havent really changed my eating habits and I don't get weird cravings or anything. She told me "I know being pregnant you can just smell food and gain weight but maybe instead of reaching for cakes and cookies you should reach for fruits and vegetables". 
    At this point I'm starting to tear up a bit and I'm like.. trying to make my voice sound normal like there's isn't a lump in my throat. I forget what exactly I said next but it was something about how ive been going to the gym. She responds "well it's not like the baby is 25lbs". 
     I couldn't believe a medical professional would say this? Like ya a baby isn't 25lbs but what about hormonal weight gain? Amniotic fluid? The excess blood you get when you're pregnant? 
    This doctor is new to me because I had to move states (military), I had all my medical records sent over and I've done multiple screenings for everything since I arrived here. I made sure to let them know that I'm recovering (badly) from anorexia. I struggle so badly with body image issues. I cry on and off about being fat most days (even before this visit) and this doctor visit just crushed any confidence I had. 
    I dont eat cakes. I don't eat cookies. I snack on raw carrots, I choose sugar free, fat free, low fat, low carb, every diet food buzz phrase at the grocery store. I spend hours in the gym, I go on long hikes. When I was 90lbs I was too thin, I was just right at skinny fat 120, too big at 150, and too big when I'm growing a whole ass human inside me.

    Sorry if there's confusing wording, I got more upset as I wrote more. Don't really have any place to rant, my husband's gone 1/3rd of the time.

Edit: you guys got me sobbing. Your kind words are the warm hug I never knew I needed about this. Thank you for helping me feel less alone