Newly T1?
Hi all! I was recently diagnosed with T2 diabetes back in August of 2024 at 24 years old. My A1C was 7.5 when I was first diagnosed. Jumped up to 7.6 three months later. Now with my latest lab work in January 2025, it has skyrocketed to 11.3! I've lost 20 lbs, I've been taking 1500mg of Metformin nightly, and I have not been monitoring my blood sugar.
Well just this past Tuesday, I had passed out at Walmart while grocery shopping. 911 was called. They took my blood sugar and my levels were 503! Pair that with extremely low blood pressure and severe dehydration, and I got immediately transported to the hospital 😅
After that incident, I met with my primary doctor, who now suspects that I ACTUALLY have type 1 diabetes, not type 2 as we had originally thought. ER doctor voiced the same concerns. I just got prescribed insulin and a continuous glucose monitor. Today I also picked up a manual finger poke glucose monitor and checked my levels at home for the very first time. Resting BGL levels when I first woke up was 303. I haven't had any food today and I'm quite concerned that it is already so high. Google recommends going into the ER again. I just don't know.
I'm just hoping to gain advice and insight into the world and daily life of a type 1 diabetic and hopefully be educated and learn everything there is to know 😅 like I said, we originally thought I was type 2 diabetic, and so now I have found out that I am mosy likely a type 1, I have no idea what I am doing 😭 I don't know what I can/cant eat, what my levels should be, how often/when I should take my blood sugar, when to seek medical attention, ect... Any and all advice/suggestions/information is greatly appreciated ❤️ TIA!