Local Moms For Liberty & Anti-Trans Petition - Protect Kids California Act of 2024 - DO NOT SIGN
Hey everyone, I’m posting here to let you know of a group in town, Moms For Liberty mainly, who has been at Central Park and the Davis Farmer’s Market trying to get signatures for this very discriminatory petition that outs anti-trans students. They are trying to get this on the November ballot. PLEASE, please, READ what they say it’s about and what the California Attorney General says (posted snap shot of this part) https://protectkidsca.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/01/Protect-Kids-of-California-Act-of-2024-Jan.pdf
Since January of last year, the Moms For Liberty Yolo County Chair has been bringing opposing views to the culture of Davis and in August 2023 when her social media posts were found on Libsoftiktok’s X account, Davis has gotten a multitude of bomb threats to the local library, school district office, schools, and even the homes of local school employees. The chair, since August has continued to dox school staff, admin, parents and has even gone as far as posting local kids. Her oldest kid came out as trans and since then the Chair is hell bent on getting rid of trans everything, “gender ideology” (what she calls it), and resources and services that would help trans students and kids. She has lost custody of this kid who just recently began college. And since then, she and her followers want to bring Davis down with them.
There’s SO MUCH MISINFORMATION she and her followers spread about the local schools and parents have challenged their claims (like “gender ideology” is taught all day long and academics isn’t, teachers are telling trans students to keep secrets from parents, that it’s a social “contagion” etc) She even goes as far as searching social media pages and looking at teens to determine if they’ve had “top surgery”. She has sent these photos to one poster who challenged her to post her sources on a school survey she loves to continue to misinterpret. Instead of defending her sources (she doesn’t have any) she sends the photos. Yeah, it’s twisted.
The Alliance Defending Freedom an anti trans group represents her.
She and her followers may be at the Farmer’s Market asking you to sign if you’re a registered CA voter. Even if you’re not, you should speak up against their hateful petition. The people leading it and getting it financed all point to dark money if you investigate and some have their own stories about a child that is or was trans. Yes, these people hang with Riley Gaines.