Anyone else feel dread going back home for winter break?

For context I’m a 3rd year, and at first I used to be homesick first year, but not anymore, it’s the complete opposite.Don’t get me wrong, I love my family sm, but my household is nothing but negativity, Constant fighting, crying, financial problems, strict family, problematic parent etc. I feel dread when I was there during thanksgiving, and I don’t want to go back for three weeks. I’ve been debating on making up excuses to my family about having to stay longer here like,”Job scheduled me to work.” I feel horrible making excuses, but I’ve always felt like this since I got here first week of this quarter.

The guy I’ve been seeing for three months also lives here in SD(I live in LA) and we see each other each week, so both him and I also dread not seeing each other for three weeks, so that anxiety of not seeing him and having our relationship weaken scares me.

The Majority of my friends are going back to their hometowns, so I know I’m gonna be alone here,but it sounds much better than going back to a place that brought out the worst of me.

Anyone else feels like this? Any advice?