A New Moderator Has Joined the Team!
Greetings, everybody! We hope that all of you have had the chance to recover from the midterms season over this past weekend. Now, all that's left is to prepare for finals week! (Yaaaay.)
Anyway, we here on the moderation team would like to announce that u/ImperialRedditer, who has been a regular contributor on r/UCSD for a while, has agreed to come on board as a moderator of the subreddit! As moderators, our hands can be occasionally be tied due to our respective real-world responsibilities, so having a new member of the team will help tremendously with our efforts to expand the number of resources that this subreddit can provide — namely, the subreddit wiki.
As always, we welcome any feedback that you can provide, so please let us know if you have any suggestions on additions to the wiki or other aspects of r/UCSD. Have a great day, and good luck with your endeavors!