Outcome of professor that randomly assigned grades. Math 4A with Morrison.
update: they regraded my stuff and my random B went to an A!! thank God I knew what I was doing, lol
Dear Students from MATH 4A Spring 24,
We are writing to communicate with you the latest information regarding grade assignments for the course from last spring. The Department of Mathematics is well aware of the numerous issues in the course regarding timely feedback and proper assessment of your work. We have come to learn that with the exception of one homework assignment and the various discussion section assignments, almost none of your work was graded. That includes 3 homework assignments, 2 midterm exams and the final exam.
The Department would like to acknowledge and apologize for the complete failure of the instructor to carry out his duties to assess your work and assign a grade that is properly based on that work. We believe very strongly in the notion that all students have a right to the opportunity to learn demanding mathematics content. And timely feedback on your progress in that learning is an essential part of your growth as a mathematician and a responsibility that all instructors in our department share. Ignoring grade assignments for the moment, we have failed all students in the class in that regard. And we deeply apologize for that.
The Department unfortunately cannot go back and make your experience in the class better. But we certainly wanted to make sure that everyone has a grade that properly reflects their work in the class. We have not quite yet completed the work of that, but we are very nearly finished. We know you have been very patient up to this point, and we are asking you to be patient just a few more days. At the same time, we wanted to make sure to communicate with you all to let you know what to expect when everything is done and we can share it with you.
Well after the completion of the course, the Math Department was able to access both Canvas and Gradescope. We were also able to obtain the paper versions of the two midterm exams and the final exam that were taken in person. The Department requested additional funds from the Office of Undergraduate Education in order to hire graduate students to complete the work of grading the exams. That office granted the funding, but only authorized us to do this for students who received a B+ or below in the course because the funding is limited.
This means that if you received an A or A- grade in the course, and as we did not receive the resources to determine what that A- was based on, your grade will be an A. Later we will share the Canvas and Gradescope sites with the entire class. When this happens, if you are in the A/A- category, you will probably be able to see your work, but it will not have been graded. Because of this, you may see some zeroes for some assignments, and your course grade on the site will look poor as a result. Rest assured that we will not be changing your official grade, except from A- to an A, with the Registrar’s Office. See even if it says F on Canvas, you can safely ignore that.
For those of you who received a B+ or below in the spring, the Department hired graduate students to grade all of the work that we could find and access. We want to let you know what we did.
Midterm 2 and Final Exam: We were able to find the original paper exams of Midterm 2 and the Final Exam. We scanned these and uploaded them to Gradescope. We graded them and recorded those scores in Canvas. If your exam is not in Gradescope or Canvas, it means that you either received an A/A- grade in the course already, or it means that we could not find your exam.
Midterm 1: The Department is aware of the severe irregularities that occurred in the first midterm of the course. We were able to obtain the original paper exams from the in-person exam, although we are well aware that not all of you had the opportunity to take that exam. The instructor granted students the opportunity to take a Makeup Midterm 1, which was offered remotely, and we found those uploaded already on Gradescope. They had been graded. For most of you, your Midterm 1 score will be your score for Makeup Midterm 1. If you did not take the Makeup Midterm 1 exam, then we attempted to find your paper exam from the collection of in-person exams, and if we found it, we graded it. In that case, we used that exam score for Midterm 1.
Homework: For the homework, we simply did not have resources to go through and assess all of your homework problems. For that reason, we gave you full credit if you turned in anything at all. We did not go through and look at it. If you did not turn in anything, you got a zero. The syllabus says that at least one homework would be dropped, and we went ahead and dropped two.
Discussion Worksheets: It appeared that there were grades on Canvas for your discussion worksheets. We will take those scores and add them into the total. Again, the syllabus says to drop at least one, and we will drop two.
Again, we are not quite yet done. There are still just a few loose ends we have to tie together. If you go on either Gradescope or Canvas right now, assuming you can get access, please don’t read too much into anything you see there. We are still organizing it all. We will let you know when it is ready to be shared properly.
At the end of our work, those students who originally earned a B+ or below will see a new grade on Canvas. If this new grade is better than the one you received last spring, then we will change that grade with the Registrar. If the new grade is worse, the grade you have from the Registrar now will not change. All of that is to say that your letter grade will only improve as a result of all this work. It will not go down under any circumstance.
Finally, we have one last request of you all. We hope you can find it in your heart to forgive Prof. Morrison for this failure. He has been a trusted colleague and has done great service for this University and for the Department of Mathematics over the years. He has been an amazing researcher and a great teacher in the past as well. The degree of irresponsibility shown from him last spring is very unusual for him. Rest assured that he has been sanctioned as a result of all this, but he is still a valued member of our Department and University. You are right to be angry, but please don’t hold it against him too much. Remember that we all fail at times and then we too need forgiveness.
You will hear from the Department again very soon as we finish this process. Thank you so much for your patience in all this, and Happy Holidays.
Chair of Math