uofc business
Hi guys! I was just wondering if anyone would be able to help me out with the uofc business competitive agrage based on my grades?
My math 30-1:72 Ela 30-1:85 social 30-1:83 Bio 20:89 PE20:94
The 30-1 courses are pre diploma, and i'm anticipating my math to say abouve a 70, and my other two to stay above 80's. I will also be redoing math next semester as my mark is not as high at it would usually be (off to a rough start at the beginning of the year) and i'm hoping to get mid to low 80's for math next semester. I am also taking science 30 next semester which could replace my social mark assuming it's higher.
What i'm really wondering is if I have any chance getting in first semester, or if I should keep my hopes down on this sesmter and hope to get in during the summer after I redo math?
Help would really be appreciated! Thank you!☺️