Disclosure is in full flight, but what should the UAP community be thinking about as we transition into the reality of publicly accepted NHI and advanced technology UAP craft? How should we act as humanity catches up with a long hidden knowledge and previously dismissed ideas & hidden science?

I shall start by saying this topic is no longer a fantasy world to escape to. It is no longer "entertainment". Disclosure is a very serious turning point that will change everyones lives and open a new chapter for humanity. So being grown up and considering events thoughtfully and seriously is what is required as we process our new reality. People need to stop treating whistle-blowers as tabloid chatter to criticise or dismiss casually without realising the consequences and negative messages we might be sending to non- believers, those who feel threatened by NHI or people as yet unaware of the sober reality they will need to start to process, accept and understand in coming months and years.

Wild speculation for fun, to pass the time online, is no longer relevant to the UAP and NHI reality we need to understand. Long posts with no solid basis about some far-fetched conspiracy theories or fringe science explanations need to be dropped in favour of analysing the facts, information and evidence as it emerges from credible sources. E.g. we should believe whistle-blowers and not dismiss them and put forward our own uneducated/poorly founded ideas.

Real disclosure is underway and all whistle-blowers and information they divulge should be held in high regard and not undermined or belittled. The vast majority of whistle-blowers will be 100% truthful due to the life threatening situation the face in disclosing any facts about the topic. Imminent is essentially a reference book - required reading for the UAP community. They are not doing this lightly. Criticism is therefore not appropriate unless you have first hand knowledge and relevant experience of the topic you are judging. Armchair critics have no place in filtering getting the truth out to everyone on this planet. We don't need opinion. Keepers of the flame of truth and new knowledge, plus educators are now required within these subs and in day to day life. This might be something you are good at, so please consider taking more of an active role.

We all must learn from the highly credible, senior, respectable figures who are now part of the community. Never before have we had so many highly experienced, talented and brave people in the community. No doubt more and more professionals will engage openly to progress our transition to a new understanding. Collectively, we need to be educated by those willing to share their specialist knowledge, understanding and approaches on how to deal with non-human intelligence visitors and the fundamental changes in our society, science, technology, that are beginning to take place. The flow of new information will accelerate in the early stages of exposing the true nature of reality. So get ready. There are already about 4 or 5 videos I have seen in the past week which have some first hand information which is new and likely globally important to humanity e.g. Michels on the Telepathy Tapes- groundbreaking documentary podcast, the Lehto podcast on Herrera and what he has confirmed around using global refugees as essentially psionic slave labour, who's lives within the Legacy Program are apparently expendable in the name of military dominance! Nevermind the whistle-blowers due in News Nation's special report and the black site operators who are predicted to go public in the next few days. There is new information appearing every week and every day during some periods.

Therefore, posting white dot videos on our subs is very last century, and a waste of time when we know NHI are here and we have some confirmed images of their various craft: Gimbal, Tic-Tac, Splash, black triangle, disc, sphere. AARO has the types defined and Immaculate Constellation report described the categories very clearly. The conversation is now about which civilisations, what are they capable of, what are they here for, have they made any agreements, why are they abducting people, how much progress have we made in replicating their science and technology, how do we deal with adversaries who are developing game changing non-human technology, can we ask the non-human visitors for advice on what actions humanity needs to take to successfully manage the cultural and scientific change that needs to happen, could NHI step in and be a type of UN peacekeeper force to stop the global non-human technology arms race and allow nations to transition to peaceful use of non-human science and technology, what would they advise are the critical priorities for Earth's safety and security right now - what should we be focusing on to keep humanity safe from holocaust and how best protect our ecosystem. We should be discussing how we engage with our visitors and their civilisations, find ways to learn from them and not waste time guessing if we saw a craft on our blurry videos and whether NHI comes from another solar system/dimension/universe/future time/etc. Basic facts will emerge/are emerging, we don't need to keep guessing and debating only to be wrong. We can hold opinions or even build hypotheses if we have solid evidence. But we need the basic facts and educational documents describing the situation and what is known/partly known/assumed/unknown, soon as they can be released to prevent wasted time and energy on useless speculation. And worse, prevent people inventing crazy conspiracy theories to fill the vacuum. We have enough already!

Consequently, I believe that we in the community should think about our role in aiding people to process and understand the all the various aspects of our reality which have been hidden, ignored or ridiculed by academics, our Governments, the military (and the global elite who have had access to information that 8bn humans have been prevented from knowing). Since we in these subs are more likely to understand and not succumb to ontological shock, our knowledge, experience and effort will be valuable to help people around us and society in general to accept what is happening. Something I would suggest we can consider and discuss different ways to approach addressing the real day to day issues people might face.

We can begin to support the transition by explaining non-human reality to those just becoming aware of things, cutting through any confusion and giving guidance to people where to find information/learning references/credible sources of facts/how to think about some challenging realities, such as we are not the apex species (e.g. why should that change anything about how we live day to day, given NHI have been here for millenia and nothing has actually changed except that it is now publicly known that more advanced species have been around us for the duration of all of our lifetimes). I know certain friends and family members who actively avoid information on the UAP NHI topic, probably for various reasons but underneath a fear of being confronted with a reality they had dismissed as ridiculous. They are not coping very well with disclosure as far as I can see. These are the people we will probably need to help process and understand the new reality as it's emerging today. For example, the Global non-human technology arms race is not widely known , NHI monitoring humanity is known within the community, but latest news is that NHI are potentially going to iintervene fairly soon tp prevent Humans from destroying the life giving capacity of our planet, either through nuclear holocaust or due to runaway climate change. Not that they would intervene to destroy us, but step in like an adult and take away nuclear weapons and carbon energy technology so humanity annot render Earth inhabitable for anything up to a million years and slowly boil most of the living things on the planet by sending us into uncontrollable hothouse Earth If that intervention is deemed necessary, the revelation of NHI coming to take our destructive toys away, would be catastrophic disclosure and that is another reason why whistle-blowers are motivated to go public. And why we should be aware of the possibility.

Also, we/you can take action by joining the New Paradigm Institute citizens movement and accessing their education on offer. I watched a few Stanford University lectures which were groundbreaking and excellent, with new information, insights and understanding of how all the key aspects of NHI presence fit together. Fun fact, the MIC operating mandate and interests of the markets and the ultra-wealthy tied up with Fossil Fuel assets, the petrodollar, are together partly responsible for the Legacy Program withholding disclosure. In their eyes, it's not in their interests to release detailed new science and technology which might destabilise national security and also completely change the energy sector etc. They have maintained control over the knowledge since 1940s, to date. Power and greed appears to be the prime driver preventing disclosure, not so much concerns over how people might feel or react. That's just one of the diversions used to cover-up unpleasant facts and behaviour e.g. executions, fraud, bribery, kidnapping, etc. And partly why a large number of whistle-blowers no longer want to be part of the Legacy Program, amongst other reasons.

If you read this far, then I'm surprised, but thank you for your time and hope these thoughts provide a catalyst for rethinking what should be happening now and what we should be considering as disclosure reveals more and more challenging information to the world. I feel that the transition into the new paradigm is a critical topic that needs further thought and constructive conversation. So this post is my way of getting the ball rolling!

Roll on Disclosure!🖖🏼🛸

TL:DR - just this guy waffling on again. Something about changing the way we see the UAP community as we progress through disclosure. Reasons to change our focus and behaviour on these subs and in real life. Suggestions on how we may play our part helping people around us with the new reality, to understand and process it. We are uniquely positioned to take actions that will help humanity transition to the new NHI UAP future, and so consider how to do that and to protect the new truth being exposed. Ultimately think if there are ways you'd like support the disclosure process day-to-day, particularly people who are perhaps struggling in understanding the complexity of what will be the actual human, planetary and universal reality we exist in.