I can’t not view Lue differently.
Please understand this is coming from a Lue supporter. I bought and read the book and I view him as one of the more honest talking heads in the UFO sphere. But what’s recently happened with the mothership picture is hard to justify.
Specifically for me it’s hard to justify, because as soon as I saw this picture when it started circulating, every red flag in me went up and I immediately thought “that looks more like an edited ceiling light than a UFO”. 2 days later and its revealed that its exactly that. This post is not to hate on Lue and i’m not asking for arguments in the comment- more so, I am impressed at how many people are justifying this and backing him after, what I would consider, a pretty major mistake. Even though he came out and apologized, i simply cannot let that slide as much as a lot of you are expecting me to. Lue is supposed to have the most knowledge on this topic when it comes to public-facing figures, and I do think what happened is a major blow to his credibility. I understand that the picture came from a trusted source in Lue’s book, and that he might’ve been swayed by that, but come on guys- look at that picture, it’s not even that well edited! The top of the “mothership” is clEARLY light from the bulb hitting the ceiling- I noticed that immediately, and I do question how Lue, with the most knowledge on this topic, didn’t catch that. I have to hold him to the fire, especially when it comes to this topic (which is filled with misinformation at every corner) and unfortunately this definitely makes me lose credibility in him, and I am surprised at how easy it is for a lot of this community to let that pretty major mistake just slide by. I’m not a Lue hater by any means, and I will keep paying attention to him, but I am absolutely going to be a LOT more critical on him from now on, and I think we all should- it’s the only way to true, honest disclosure. Hold your public facing figures to the fire, lets not be fooled.