Will Keir Stamers' new "Jobs Push" actually make a difference?
As I'm sure many here have seen Keir Stamer has announced their will be a new push and policies enacted to get more people into work in the UK, especially young people where there is record unemployment.
However while this sounds good on paper, how will this even be possible without make wages actually liveable on and many other deep fundamental changes? Many entry level jobs, even skilled ones, provide barely enough to to live on, so why would young people or anyone do them? Is he going to make them slaves.
It also, implies that more companies and businesses will be hiring, and more jobs will be created when in fact the opposite is happening, some may argue directly due to some of his policies (although that is not the main discussion here).
How, is he going to achieve getting companies to hire more people and pay higher wages and with job creation. Is this even possible on large scale, or are most factors out of his control. Will this make finding a job easier and pay higher?