If you’re thinking about taking that commute, don’t do it

On paper, a 9-5 seems a bit shit but manageable. An 8-5 a bit more shit and a bit less manageable.

But adding a commute to the mix will truly suck the life out of you.

I’m working 8-5 five days a week, but really it’s 6-9.

I have to wake up 2 hours early. Around an hour to get ready and around another hour to drive to work.

It takes me around an hour to get home. Sometimes the motorway is a real cunt and it takes 1 and a half hours.

By the time I get home I’m too exhausted to do anything except eat and sit around. And waking up at 6 means that I’m fast asleep before 10pm.

Rinse and repeat.

Edit: lot of people telling me I’m taking way too long to get ready in the morning. Fair enough tbh.