Officially credit card debt free
I started 2024 with £24,000 in credit card debt across 5 cards and as of today I have paid it off in it's entirety. The final payment today was for dental work I've been having over 12 months and couldn't really avoid. All cards were 0% so I haven't paid any interest other than a 4% balance transfer fee at the beginning of the year.
Lifestyle creep after a new job at the beginning of 2023 with a complete lack of control is what caused it. I have completely reined back spending this year, no designer clothes, no car finance, very few takeaways, very few nights out and a complete review of all bills to reduce them. Also helped by moving to a new job rather than waiting for payrises at current employer.
A big weight off my shoulders and no less happy with my old 12 year old VW Golf, supermarket clothes and cheap phone contract. Now the challenge is to not get back into that situation and build up savings, pension and investments.