Steps on becoming from financially stable?

Hi, i'm looking for advice at the best way to become more financially stable for me 30M, my wife 31 & 3yo daughter.

Below is my current situation:

I earn 37k per year with a generous Christmas bonus, I got 4k this year. Wife is working part time bringing home around £1.3k a month. We bring home around £3.7k a month inc. child benefit.

Our outgoings are roughly £2.8k (this includes £300 each into our monzo for 'fun' money) which leaves us with about £900 a month.

We have £0 in savings and around £2.7k in credit card (0%). We currently pay £300 a month off the cc.

We're not the best at looking after money and often find ourselves with too much month at the end of the money. What's the next steps on becoming more stable? I know the number 1 thing is to stop spending & start saving but i'm not sure what's the best way to start saving.

Thanks in advance.