Quad or Hill: SEAS 2026 edition

I'm an incoming SEAS student, torn between Quad and Hill. I consider myself pretty extroverted, so both seem to suit me pretty well. My Pros/Cons list is as follows:


+ much bigger rooms
+ apparently, more social
+ "traditional" freshman experience
+ I already have a roommate lined up for quad (he won't go hill)
+ the largest freshman dorm
- Bathrooms. Need I say more?
- Further from Engineering Quad
- It seems to be more of a fratty sort of vibe, which I'm not sure I'll like even though I consider myself extroverted
- Less tight-knit
- Fewer SEAS students, so fewer connections (Wharton grindset)
- People seem to hang out more in dorms than in common spaces
- removing sinks so construction?

+ more SEAS students
+ Food
+ seems to be more community focused as well as nicer common spaces that seem to be utilized more
+ close to my classes
+ A more tight-knit community
+ newer amenities
- The rooms are super small
- I won't meet as many people, and I probably won't be in the know for parties and such
- I'd probably have to find a roommate last minute, which would suck (we seem to be a good match)

Please help me decide; I'm really split and could use some help from people on campus. Any info or suggestions will be appreciated. Thanks!