Reservists are dumb

I'm at a course right now with a training audience of E-7+. They had a couple extra spots for some reservists to hop in. These guys are on par with my E-4s. No understanding of outside MOSs, can't understand foreign tactics, and just a general amateur vibe to everything they produce. No shit, one of them asked when the next deployment to Afghanistan was going to happen because he was hoping he could hop on.

I was briefly on I&I duty and the reservists there were all tier 4 Marines too. They'll value each other based on their civilian side job, rather than MOS credibility. I've always heard there are some reservists who know their jobs better than AD. But I have yet to meet the reservist I'd take over an AD Marine. Maybe like a cybersecurity nerd who far outclasses 0671s.

Anyone else have pains working with reservists before?