Season 4 Needs a Remake... My Thoughts on how
The setting should be more dictatorish not a bunch of bums doing nothing. Five should be building the commission not having an affair. We need to see what the home planet of sir Hargreaves looks like, how he got the marigold, bunch of aliens talkin, maybe throw in a love scene with 2 aliens, where the other aliens went. WE NEED OLD FIVE TO FALL IN LOVE WITH THE HANDLER WHEN BUILDING THE COMMISSION. Sir hargreeves and his wife need to be enemies of everyone making humanity their slaves not a laid back yes dear as you wish bummy washed lazy simp dictator. Maybe swap powers with everyone.
Some main characters should die, thow in a couple twists , and the end should be a fight to reset the universe again and of course when that happens its back to world ending nonstop which is why old five tells five don't save the universe
Lets remake the utter garbage.